
open source and cybersecurity news

Category: Episode

  • Cybersecurity and Open Source Headlines

    July 27, 2023
    Microsoft Makes Access to Cloud Logging Free After Criticisms from Storm-0558 Breach; Cybersecurity Crisis: Citrix Vulnerability Exposes US Infrastructure; Cyber…
  • Cybersecurity and Open Source Headlines

    July 26, 2023
    Unintentional Data Leak by VirusTotal Exposes 5,600 Account Details; Death of Twitter Info Sec; CT License Plate Scans; CITRIX Pwned
  • Cybersecurity and Open Source Headlines

    July 25, 2023
    Cloud Build Vulnerable to Supply Chain Attacks; Cloud Shared Responsibility Model: Time for an (R)Evolution?; Microsoft Breach May Expose Deeper…
  • Cybersecurity and Open Source Headlines

    July 24, 2023
    Cloud Build Vulnerable to Supply Chain Attacks; Cloud Shared Responsibility Model: Time for an (R)Evolution?; Microsoft Breach May Expose Deeper…
  • Cybersecurity and Open Source Headlines

    July 21, 2023
    Thousands of Container Images Leaking Secrets; Google DeepMind; US Office of Management and Budget gathers software attestation letters; This Day,…
  • It's 5:05, July 20, 2023. Here are the stories we're following...

    Cybersecurity and Open Source Headlines

    July 20, 2023
    What’s Your Social Media OpSec?; The Dark Side of Generative AI; Typo Leak Sends Email to Mali; Microsoft expanding access…
  • It's 5:05, July 29, 2023: Cybersecurity and Open Source Headlines

    Cybersecurity and Open Source Headlines

    July 19, 2023
    Cybersecurity - Spike in Attacks Using Infected USB Drives; European Spyware Banned; Just - a language-agnostic build automation tool written…
  • It's 5:05, on July 18, 2023. Here are the stories we're following.

    Cybersecurity Headlines

    July 18, 2023
    Cybersecurity Headlines - Account Takeovers using Evil QR; SIM swap attacks on the rise; Crypto scams have dropped faster than…
  • July 17, 2023

    July 17, 2023
    Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Discovered in Popular PDF Software by Edwin Kwan | Taxes and Data Privacy by Katy Craig…
  • July 14, 2023

    July 14, 2023
    Critical Infrastructure Service Firm Takes Key System Offline Due to Cyber Attack by Edwin Kwan | Ransomware gang targets US…
