
open source and cybersecurity news

Tag: vulnerability

  • It's 5:05, October 16, 2023. TIme for your cybersecurity and open source headlines

    Open Source and Cybersecurity Headlines:

    October 17, 2023
    Episode #252: Equifax Ltd fined £11 million for Preventable Cybersecurity Breach; Follow Up to Atlassian Confluence Level 10 Vulnerability Alert;…
  • 5052023-2023-09-08 It's 5:05, the daily cybersecurity and open source news briefing-07 - Episode Featured

    Cybersecurity Breach and Open Source Headlines:

    September 8, 2023
    Episode #225: Identity Theft Victim Targeted While On Holidays; There may be something lurking in your Apple Wallet; Microsoft signing…
  • It's 5:05 Podcast with Cybersecurity and Open Source Headlines

    Cybersecurity and Open Source Headlines

    August 23, 2023
    Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in Windows Software;Remember Cold Fusion? So do Adversaries;Binding Operational Directive 22-01;Live Facial Recognition Facing Scrutiny in…
