
open source and cybersecurity news

April 17, 2023

Chrome Zero-Day Vulnerability, Sci-Fi AutoGPT, FDA Crack Down

In this Episode:

Episode Transcription:

Bob Bannon:

Hey, it’s 5:05. Glad to have you with us on Monday, April 17th, 2023 from the Sourced Podcast Network in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. This is your host, Bob Bannon. Stories in today’s episode come from Edwin Kwan in Sydney, Australia. Kadi Grigg in Alexandria, Virginia. Katy Craig in San Diego, California, and Marcel Brown in St. Louis, Missouri. Pokes on vacation. I have the controls. Let’s get to it.

[00:00:00] Edwin Kwan:

This is Edwin Kwan from Sydney, Australia.

Google has just released an emergency Chrome security update to address a zero-day vulnerability. The vulnerability is assigned CVE-2023-2033, and it is a “type” confusion weakness in the Chrome JavaScript engine. It affects the Chrome browser on Windows, Macs, and Linux.

The fix is version 112.0.5615.121, and the web browser should automatically update and install the fixed version without requiring user interaction after a restart.

Google has said that it is aware of the vulnerability being used in attacks and are restricting further information until the majority of users have updated with the fix.

[00:01:15] Kadi Grigg:

In a move aimed at improving the cybersecurity of medical devices, the US Food and Drug Administration, also known as FDA, has announced that starting on October 1st, it will refuse to approve new medical devices if they do not meet certain cybersecurity requirements. This is a significant step in protecting patients sensitive medical information from cyber attacks.

As the article notes, medical devices have become a popular target for hackers in recent years with potentially life-threatening consequences for patients. By implementing stronger cybersecurity standards for medical devices, the FDA is taking a proactive stance in protecting patients and their private medical information.

The FDA’s decision to refuse approval for non-compliant medical devices will undoubtedly have an impact on the medical device industry. Companies will now be forced to prioritize cybersecurity in the development and design of new medical devices. This may mean increased cost and longer development timelines, but ultimately, it is a necessary step in protecting patients.

Long story short, this is an important development in the ongoing battle to secure our digital infrastructure. As our lives become increasingly dependent on connected devices, it is vital that we prioritize cybersecurity to ensure our safety and security.

This is Kadi Grigg, and Alexander of Virginia.

[00:02:37] Katy Craig:

We’re rushing headlong into the world of artificial intelligence with a fascinating new development called AutoGPT. Powered by OpenAI’s, GPT-4, AutoGPT boasts an impressive set of capabilities that might leave you feeling like you’re in a sci-fi movie.

This is Katy Craig in San Diego, California.

AutoGPT can search the internet, correct itself, refine its parameters, and execute commands autonomously. With all these abilities, it’s like having a super smart virtual assistant that keeps learning and growing on its own. But don’t worry, we’re not entering the realm of rogue AI just yet. Instead, let’s marvel at the incredible advancements in technology that make tools like AutoGPT possible.

One interesting tidbit that comes with the rise of AutoGPT is the impact on the once coveted job of prompt engineer. With a salary of $335,000 in some cases, the role may have been a dream job for many, but AutoGPT’s ability to refine its own prompts has made this position a thing of the past.

As they say, all good things must come to an end, but the silver lining is that the AI revolution is creating new opportunities and jobs that we couldn’t have imagined a few years ago.

So as we chuckle at the thought of the self-improving AI and the ever-evolving landscape of job opportunities, let’s appreciate the wonders of technology and the progress it brings. After all, who knows what exciting new developments are just around the corner. And with that let’s raise our virtual coffee cups to embracing the future in all its possibilities.

This is Katy Craig. Stay safe out there.

[00:04:29] Marcel Brown:

This is Marcel Brown, the most trusted name in technology, bringing you your technology history for April 16th and April 17th.

April 16th, 1977. On the same day at the first annual West Coast Computer Fair, both the Apple Two and Commodore Pet 2001, personal computers are introduced. Ironically, Commodore had previously rejected purchasing the Apple Two from Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, deciding to build their own computers.

Both computers used the same processor, the MOS 6502, but the companies had two different design strategies and it showed on this day. Apple wanted to build computers with more features at a higher price point. Commodore wanted to sell less featured filled computers at a lower price point. The Apple Two had color graphics and sound capabilities selling for $1,298 without a monitor. The Commodore PET only had a mono display and was priced at $795.

April 17th, 1967. The spacecraft Surveyor Three is launched from Cape Kennedy. It will be the second US spacecraft to make a soft landing on the moon. Surveyor Two had crash landed where it will study the lunar surface and send more than 6,300 pictures back to Earth. In all seven surveyors will be sent to the moon, five of them successfully completing soft landings.

That’s your technology history for today. For more, tune in tomorrow and visit my website

Bob Bannon:

That’s it for today’s Open Source cybersecurity update. The links to all stories and resources mentioned in today’s episode are available at 5:05, where you can download the transcripts for easy reading or listen to our ever-growing library of more than 100 episodes. 5:05 is a source network production with updates available Monday through Friday on your favorite audio streaming platform.

Just search for it’s 5:05. Also while you’re there, might as well subscribe. Thanks to Edwin Kwan, Kadi Grigg, Katy Craig, and Marcel Brown for today’s contributions. The executive, producer and editor is Mark Miller. The sound engineer is Bob Bannon. Music for today’s episode is by Blue Dot Sessions. We use script for spoken text editing and audacity to layer in the soundscapes.

The show distribution platform is provided by Captivate fm. This is Bob Bannon. See you again at 5:05.



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